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Fully automatic hzs60 mixing station

The hzs60 mixing plant is divided into fully automatic and semi-automatic. Among them, the automatic hzs60 mixing plant is more worry-free. Where is the specific worry? Let’s take a look together.

After the user completes the configuration in the hzs60 mixing plant control room, press the automatic operation button, and all the equipment of the hzs60 mixing plant starts to start. The first is the batching machine, the discharge port is opened, and the weighing hopper is to be discharged. The weighing element transmits data to the control room through the sensor. When the predetermined drop value is reached, the discharge is stopped. Because the hzs60 mixing station adopts independent weighing, the weighing efficiency of each part of the aggregate at the same time is higher.

After the aggregate weighing is completed, the discharge port of the weighing hopper is opened, and the aggregate enters the mixing platform with the belt conveyor. Generally, it enters the belt hopper and waits for the weighing of powder and liquid materials. The powder mainly refers to fly ash and Cement, liquid material refers to water and additives. The weighing aspect is the same as the aggregate weighing, but the location is changed to the mixing platform.

When all the raw materials have been weighed, the admixture will be mixed with water first, and then the aggregate, powder and mixed liquid materials will enter the mixing drum, and the mixing will be carried out according to the set mixing cycle. When the mixing time is up, it will stop and the bottom will be discharged. The mouth is opened, and the material is discharged to the concrete mixer truck. After the discharge is completed, the next mixing cycle is started.

Through the above, everyone also found that the automatic hzs60 mixing station is a one-button operation, which is very simple and easy to learn, and we also provide training to ensure your correct use. Welcome everyone to inquire and purchase!  +86 571 88128581

Post time: Nov-02-2021
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